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Are Door-to-Door Warrantless Home Searches And Seizures Legal?

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects citizens against unreasonable searches and seizures. This means that law enforcement officers ...
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People’s Attitude Towards Leashes and Dogs

Dog leashes are a common sight in most urban areas, but their use can be controversial. Some people believe that ...
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Finding a Reliable Bail Bond Company

When someone you care about is arrested, it can be a stressful and confusing time. One of the first things ...
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Tips For Finding A Good And Reliable Bail Bond Company

At Sullivan County Bail Bonds we undoubtedly have the best staff of professional bail agents anywhere in Tennessee. We understand ...
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Juvenile Marriage and Domestic Partnership: A Complex Issue with Far-Reaching Consequences

Juvenile marriage, defined as a union between individuals under the age of 18, and domestic partnerships, which involve unmarried couples ...
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Understanding the Differences Between Theft, Robbery, and Burglary

In the realm of criminal law, understanding the distinctions between theft, robbery, and burglary is crucial for both law enforcement ...
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Who Can You Count On When You get Arrested?

When it comes to taking care of family, your loved ones can always count on you. They know that you ...
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What Do You Know about Bail or Bail Bonds?

If you are like most people, than your answer to that questions is probably somewhere along the lines of not ...
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How Can We Get Rid of Bullying? Can Parents Help?

Bullying in schools and online is a very important issue and topic of conversation. Just ask anyone, and they will ...
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What Counts as Hit and Run in Tennessee?

Nobody enjoys accidents, no matter how big or small they may be. However, dealing with spilled milk is much more ...
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Motorcycle Laws in The State of Tennessee

Each state has different laws in regards to a lot of things, but what you may not think about is ...
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Tips on How to Recover from Identity Theft

We all only have one identity, and for most people that is enough. However, some bad people out there like ...
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Parental Concern: The Unspoken Worry About Their Children

As a parent, it is natural to have constant worries and concerns for your children. No matter how well-behaved and ...
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How to Protect Yourself from Dangerous Situation

In today’s world, it is becoming increasingly important to protect ourselves from dangerous people. With the rise of crime rates ...
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Should Parents Spy on Their Teens

As a parent, your instincts tell you to do whatever it takes to ensure that your teenager is both safe ...
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Can a Police Officer Search Your Vehicle

One of the first things an officer often does when they pull you over for a traffic infraction is take ...
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Tennessee’s Wobbler Laws And Why They Exist

One of the interesting terms you’ll often hear bandied around the Tennessee judicial offices is wobbler laws. This is a ...
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Denying a Dog Entrance to Your Establishment? Think Again

As a business owner, you might think that you have the right to say whether dogs are allowed to enter, ...
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Home Security While on Vacation

Going on vacation is lots of fun but coming home and finding out that your house has been broken into ...
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Be Careful What You Share Online

Most people nowadays are in quite a rush to post something on social media after an exciting or infuriating event ...
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Driving Despite Having a Suspended License

Having a driver’s license makes life considerably easier and in some parts of Tennessee, the ability to drive is a ...
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Fighting Back Against Cyberbullying

These days, it seems like you can’t turn on the television, radio, or computer without hearing another story about cyberbullying ...
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Expunging an Arrest Record Because of Factual Evidence

One of the first things people who’ve been charged with a crime want to know is how to go about ...
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Is Aggravated Trespassing Really Any Different from Plain Old Trespassing?

The word aggravated on a charge looks scary, but some people who are charged with aggravated trespassing don’t understand how ...